About Us

Carolina Designer Dragons

A selective, boutique breeder located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Our selective breeding produces both classically recognized color combinations as well as unique variations. Besides the aesthetic beauty of our dragons, they come with a fostered level of healthiness and well-adjusted personalities. We enjoy and take great pride in providing our dragons to people that appreciate bearded dragons of this special quality. You won’t find this in your local pet store and not online from large commercial breeders.

Our baby dragons’ parents are chosen for their personalities, wonderful colors, size and genetic lineage. All have names and have become part of our family. As our young hatchlings and juveniles are growing up, they receive frequent handling, attention and care. This helps ensure that they become friendly and at ease with people.

Our dragons are raised in comfortable conditions that include plenty of space, windows to see and be seen, interesting furnishings, water, greens for snacking, monitored temperature zones, adequate lighting for basking and vitamin D synthesis. We add to their routine as practical; outings on the back deck for sun bathing, swimming in the tub and lounging on the couch.

Bearded dragons are a hearty species, especially when raised and kept under healthy conditions. Their home environment, diet and nutritional needs are relatively simple to understand and provide for. Compared with other small pets, they excel in becoming interesting personalities and comfortable with human contact; making perfect pets.

We also believe that you and your new dragon deserve professional customer service with safe, secure shipment and personal attention. We also endeavor to provide the detailed care information and recommendations for supplies that are helpful for a mutually satisfying life together.

Carolina Custom Cages

Over the years and through our experience doing reptile shows, we developed a product line of bearded dragon specialty items that we found worked well for us and shared these with our customers. Many of these items were applicable for other reptiles as well. Today our reptile product line has become even more extensive and is offered through our website and on Amazon; including our proprietary caging (terrariums), lighting fixtures, backgrounds; plus different habitat accessories and unique items such as our popular chaise lounges.